- 数码IT
- 2025-02-02 11:52:58
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以下是英雄联盟(League of Legends,简称LOL)中一些英雄的英文名字大全:1. Ahri2. Akali3. Amumu4. Anivia5. Anni...
以下是英雄联盟(League of Legends,简称LOL)中一些英雄的英文名字大全:
1. Ahri
2. Akali
3. Amumu
4. Anivia
5. Annie
6. Ashe
7. Azir
8. Bard
9. BlahD
10. Braum
11. Brand
12. Caitlyn
13. Camille
14. Cho'Gath
15. Corki
16. Darius
17. Draven
18. Ekko
19. Elise
20. Fiddlesticks
21. Fiora
22. Galio
23. Gangplank
24. Garen
25. Gragas
26. Lee Sin
27. Lissandra
28. Lucian
29. Lulu
30. Lux
31. Malphite
32. Maokai
33. Master Yi
34. Miss Fortune
35. Mordekaiser
36. Nami
37. Nasus
38. Nautilus
39. Nidalee
40. Olaf
41. Orianna
42. Ornn
43. Poppy
44. Pyke
45. Qiana
46. Quinn
47. Rammus
48. Renekton
49. Riven
50. Ryze
51. Sejuani
52. Shaco
53. Shyvana
54. Singed
55. Sion
56. Sivir
57. Skarner
58. Sona
59. Soraka
60. Swain
61. Teemo
62. Thresh
63. Tristana
64. Twisted Fate
65. Tryndamere
66. Twitch
67. Udyr
68. Varus
69. Vi
70. Warwick
71. Xerath
72. Xin Zhao
73. Yorick
74. Zed
75. Ziggs
76. Zoe
77. Zhonya
78. Zyra