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“绿树成荫”常见的英文翻译有:“The trees make a shady canopy.” 或者 “The green trees provide shade....

  “绿树成荫”常见的英文翻译有:“The trees make a shady canopy.” 或者 “The green trees provide shade.” 或者 “The trees are in full leaf and shade.”


其中,“shady”有“成荫的;阴凉的”意思,“canopy”指“华盖;顶篷”,“make a shady canopy”形象地表达出树木形成了遮阴的顶盖。“provide shade”直接表示“提供阴凉;提供遮蔽”。“in full leaf”意思是“长满叶子的”,强调树木枝叶繁茂从而能成荫。

  在具体使用时,可以根据上下文和表达需要选择合适的翻译。例如:在描述一个公园时,可以说 “The park is beautiful with the trees making a shady canopy.” ;在强调树木的遮阴作用时,可以说 “The green trees provide shade for people to rest.”
