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以下是用英文写请假条的一般格式和要点:**格式:**2. 称呼:通常写“Dear [Manager's Name]” 或 “Dear [Teacher's Name]”...



2. 称呼:通常写“Dear [Manager's Name]” 或 “Dear [Teacher's Name]” 等。

- 说明请假的原因,如生病(illness)、家庭原因(family issue)等。

- 注明请假的起止时间(start date and end date)。

- 表达对工作/学习的安排和考虑,如已安排好工作交接(handover the work)、会自学课程(study by oneself)等。

4. 结尾:常用“Thank you for your understanding and support.” 或 “I sincerely appreciate your consideration.” 等表达感谢。

5. 署名:写上自己的名字。


Leave Request

Dear Manager,

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to illness. I have been feeling unwell for the past few days and need some time to recover.

I have already informed my colleagues about my absence and have made necessary arrangements for the handover of my current tasks. I will also keep in touch during my leave to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Thank you for your understanding and support.


[Your Name]


1. 语言要简洁明了、礼貌得体。

2. 提供清晰准确的请假信息。

3. 强调对工作/学习影响的最小化。

